We use it everyday. We enjoy the scent that fills the shower, and the clean moisturized feeling it leaves on our skin. Why do we love it so much? What benefits does it hold? And why you should give your old soap the boot to make room for Rowdy Rooster Co.'s raw goats milk soap.

The Milk
Goat milk is a natural moisturizer and emollient. Naturally homogenized, the fat molecules do not separate ensuring the creamiest milk for your skin that delivers every nutrient efficiently.
It is packed with vitamins such as B1, B6, B12, C, D, and E. It is especially high in Vitamin A- a necessary vitamin to repair damaged tissue and maintain skin health,
Zinc, copper, and Iron are also found in goat milk. It also contains selenium which has been known to correct skin damage from sun exposure. It is also currently being researched as a skin cancer preventative.
Goats milk also contains alpha hydroxy acids, amino acids, fatty acids, citric acid, antioxidants, and enzymes. Lactic acid aids in removing dead skin cells from the skin's surface leaving your skin fresh and youthful!
The pH of goat's milk is naturally the closest to our own skin. This protects our skin from chemicals and bacteria and aids in issues like acne. In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties and lack of chemical additives make it a great option for those with acne prone or sensitive skin.

The Lard
Lard is really a powerhouse in soap.
Lard promotes collagen production which aids in fine lines and wrinkles and tones and firms skin.
Pig lard is very close to human skin on a cellular level and the pH is very close to our own.This aids in the absorption of the nutrients it has to offer- like omega 3 fatty acids, saturated and monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, vitamin A, and vitamin D.
Pigs are unique in that they process Vitamin D incredibly efficiently and store it in their fat. On our skin, the vitamin D helps minimize dark spots, wrinkles, reduce acne, increase collagen, and reduce inflammation.
Not all soap contains lard.
Not all lard soaps contain quality lard.
Rowdy Rooster chooses to use the lard rendered from the pigs we raise here- on the mineral rich earth and under country sunshine. This ensures a high quality lard with no chemicals or toxins. We are aware of everything that went into the pig that the lard was harvested from. We render the fat into lard in our own kitchen.

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